Friday, April 18, 2014

Six Month Old Fraternal Twin Boys: Baby's First Cold, Dealing With Fuss

My fraternal twin boys turned six months last week and it has gotten better. The experienced twin moms were right: they sleep longer at night, interact with you more, and it's not as exhausting. I was beginning to get the hang out if when, wham bam, one of the twins got sick - Baby A. It took one day for Baby B to catch it ... whatever it is - runny nose, congestion, fussiness (a cold? Caused by teething?).
After their six-month wellness checkup, their doctor told me they needed to be checked for anemia. He wasn't concerned and said it was a routine so I figured better safe than sorry. After their morning feeding, I took them to our local diagnostic testing facility and we waited for quite some time. Finally it was our turn and, to my astonishment, it wasn't a finger prick. These boys needed blood drawn. What the heck?!? How much blood is needed to test for anemia and, more importantly, how much blood do these little monsters have?
To make a long story short, they had trouble finding a vein on Baby A so he got pricked twice. Poor little guy was a mess. When we finally got home I fed them what little they would eat and tried to get them to nap but Baby A wasn't having it and that's when I noticed the runny nose. Fast forward to the end of the week and here we sit with both boys sick.
Yesterday was a nightmare - hardly napping (maybe a total of two hours all day in 30-minute increments). They were exhausted but wouldn't go down easily or stay asleep long and wouldn't eat (probably about half what they normally eat). They screamed, thrashed and fussed throughout the afternoon and I lost my shit.
I didn't shake a baby or hurt them but I was beyond frustrated. The tears flowed. They didn't want to be in their cribs, they didn't want me to hold them, they didn't want to be in their chairs or on the floor. The porridge was too hot, too cold and never just right and Goldilocks (me) was deep into that time of the month for her womanly curse. Pregnancy wasn't fun but I sure enjoyed not having my period.
Anyway, my husband came straight home from work instead of hitting the gym and I went for a run to clear my head. He gave me some tough love today about how I need to suck it up and, obviously, we got in a fight. It reminds me of singleton moms who profess they understand the plight of MoMs (Moms of Multiples). I would love for him to spend a full day home alone with them but I have a feeling that will be the day they are perfect angels and the experiment will yield, "What's your problem? This is easy!"
I called my doctor about my sick babies and was informed all I can do is promote sleep, give lots of fluids and keep it calm. Maybe someone will give me a bath, feed me a bottle and tuck me in tonight or at least let me have some time alone.

P.S. As I write this Baby B is upstairs asleep and Baby A is bouncing in his Baby Einstein activity center thing-a-ma-bob and is obviously pooping -- grunting, red face. I can't help but feel embarrassed and decide to go get another coffee so I can give him some privacy!

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