Tuesday, September 17, 2013

34 Weeks Pregnant With Twins: The Train Is Slowing Down Before Coming Into C-Section Station

Here I sit, in a men's flannel shirt (it's a Houndstooth pattern so at least I feel a tiny bit fashionable), gray yoga pants and fur-lined men's moccasins enveloping my swollen feet. I'm 34 weeks pregnant with twin boys ... or pools of molten lava, jury's still out. My hands ache and are numb, I have some lower back pain and in my vaginal area, am sore, restless legs are more restless, I'm exhausted but can't sleep ...
Sleep, perchance to dream ... what a load of crap. I've had some allergy problems recently, probably because Mother Earth ain't sure if it's fall or Indian summer, so I take Benadryl Allergy at night (as suggested by my OB/GYN). It helps me sleep a little but not much. I can't fall asleep until midnight to 1 a.m. Then I wake almost every hour, sometimes to pee, sometimes to chug water as if I haven't been chugging water all the ding dong day. Then, by mid-morning, I'm exhausted.
Mentally, I am doing OK. When I was a newspaper editor, a few years ago, I took out my stress by double checking windows and doors at night before bedtime -- Boogey Man Patrol. After quitting, this obsession stopped. Now, it's reared its ugly head, which means I am stressed about my twin boys who will be here in a month or less. Although, I'm starting to feel better because we've gotten almost everything ready and also because of a Facebook group.
Yeah, a Facebook group: The Official Group of National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club, Inc. Basically, I Googled "Twin Facebook Group" and, voilĂ , I found this group. It's very helpful. Mothers and expectant mothers of twins post questions and receive a wide range of answers. It helped me realize every child is different so it's going to be a lot of learning-as-you-go but it's nice to have a community of women with similar experiences, especially since I live in the boonies and am not the most social person. I know these connections, although through cyberspace, will come in handy as I raise my twins.
We have the nursery set up for the most part, figuring we may rearrange as we start caring for the boys. We have a pack-n-play (still in the box) for our bedroom so they can sleep close to my boobies for the first week or so. We have a double stroller, although it only came with one converter for our car seats ... as if we'd only want to keep one child in their car seat. Lame but the stroller was a gift so we shouldn't complain. Also, we put the stroller together and it folds up quite nicely ... but we are having trouble figuring out how to unfold the damn thing. Of course.
We have a hospital bag ready ... well except for being filled with necessary items. The empty bag is sitting near the back door ... so ... yeah ... we should start filling it up soon. I have a C-section scheduled for Oct. 16 but recently have been feeling pressure from Baby A. Throughout my pregnancy, I haven't felt him too much, Baby B is the show stopper. My OB/GYN was OK with this because it's only bad if his movements change. Well, over the past few days I've definitely felt movement and pressure down below. We have a doctor's appointment Thursday so we shall see if he's still in the breech position but I think the babies want out!
I'm ready to have my body back and start the healing process that goes on after pregnancy but I know 34 weeks is a little early for twins -- I'm pushing (not literally) for 38!

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