Friday, August 9, 2013

28 Weeks Pregnant With Twins - Hormones Raging, Restless Legs Growing More Restless

I am 28 weeks pregnant with twin boys. Well 28-and-a-half-weeks -- does that count? Anyway, knock on wood, I don't have many complaints. That's not to say it's been a handbag full of rainbows - I have some complaints - but compared to other woman pregnant with multiples, it ain't bad. My complaints are: restless legs are more restless, fatigue, poor sleep quality, and, cue the music, randomly raging hormones.
I sobbed for a full minute the other day. Yes, sobbed. Why you ask? I called my insurance and couldn't get a live person on the phone and the computer operator was useless. First I screamed at the computer then I sobbed -- hopefully computers don't have feelings. After sobbing, I wiped my tears and shrugged it off -- it was like going from 0 to 60 instantly. Weird! I finally heard back from my insurance -- I asked them whether a breastpump would be covered and learned they will cover a year-long rental of a hospital-grade pump (or purchasing other types of pumps if I choose that route)! So, hip hip hooray for me and the boys because I want to give them breastmilk for a year, boob or bottle.
I shared this moment of insanity with mothers I know and received assurance this is normal. It's funny what people tell you though. I was in line at Wal-Mart the other day and my checkout person was moving particularly slow -- mostly chatting with someone she knew and blabbering on and on to anyone in earshot. Finally she said, "Sorry I'm so slow honey. You aren't going to give birth right now are you?" I was taken aback. What kind of person asks a stranger this? I said, "No" but wanted to tell her, "Yes, how did you know my birth plan was painfree in a Wal-Mart?"
I also heard from other mothers glucose tests are disgusting -- a woman even told me she nearly vomited from the concentrate you have to drink. I had my glucose test done today and the drink concentrate wasn't that bad -- a little gross to have first thing in the morning. It reminded me of a chilled Little Hug -- those tiny, sugary drinks shaped like barrels I drank when I was young. Which, in turn, makes me laugh at mothers obsessed with organic this and organic that because, hey ladies, I drank Little Hugs! I ain't all that bad! I'm going to try to feed my boys healthy food (with a menu sans Little Hugs) but I won't stress over a treat every now and then -- everything in moderation.
Anyway, let's weave back from my Little Hug sidetrack to my one-hour test today, which included Fruit Punch flavored concentrate and three vials of blood. I get my results Monday, so we shall see.
One of my sisters had gestational diabetes and, not long after giving birth, developed diabetes. So, I'm a bit on edge but she was very sick before she learned she had gestational and I feel OK so I don't want to borrow trouble. Whatever I learn Monday isn't going to change by worrying the entire weekend beforehand.
Another thing from other woman I've heard concerns food cravings. I'm definitely more interested in food than I was pre-pregnancy but I don't have overpowering cravings except ... I'm addicted to ice cubes. I like to fill my water bottle about halfway with them, cover them with water, and munch away like a bear. I should be thankful I'm not addicted to some high caloric or fat item -- although any time there is mention of said items, especially cake, my interest peaks.
Speaking of cake, I had my baby shower last weekend. It was very fun and we received a lot of nice gifts. It's hard to figure out what you need -- besides the obvious cribs, car seats, that sort of thing. Right now we have two cribs, two mattresses, two pack-n-plays, two car seats, a video monitor, double stroller, first aid essentials kit, two diaper genies (my anti-stink hubby insisted one for each floor of the house), a bassinet, a swing, two bouncers, a humidifier, a bathtub, small pack of bottles, and clothes. I'll need more bottles but should probably wait until I know what breastpump we are getting (which we are planning to rent right after birth), crib sheets ... I guess I should figure this out! Tick tock!

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