Thursday, May 15, 2014

Seven Month Old Twins: To Drink Or Not To Drink, That Is The Question

I am a stay-at-home mother of seven month old twins. After putting my babies to bed around 7-7:30, a drink sounds good. It sounds really good. Alas, I don't often partake because it doesn't help.
At the beginning of my pregnancy I missed alcohol. I was a bit of a weekend wino pre-baby and the thought of no alcohol for nine months was daunting. However, after a few months my cravings went from Pinot Noir to food, food, food. I was interested in eating and sleeping.
After giving birth to twins last October - I still find this hard to believe - I had a beer once after breastfeeding and it did not help my post partum depression, which I wasn't aware I was suffering from. After dealing with my issues, with the help of a supportive family and Zoloft, I was back sans anti-depressants but with a taste for Chardonnay. I had a glass or two every night. It was helpful for the hour or so I consumed them, especially after long days, but wasn't so helpful afterwards when my sleep was affected.
In an attempt to support my weight loss regime, I switched from wine to vodka tonics. I didn't think I could go without alcohol because being a mother of twins is the hardest thing I have ever done. Again, same scenario. Helped me relax for an hour or two but then it didn't help my sleep.
Now, here I sit in the land of Live-And-Learn-Twin-Parenting and I don't drink during the week. Yes, I'm still tired in the morning but I try to get out for a walk with the boys or a run solo to help my stress level. I know it's better for me and better for the boys. On the weekend I might have one or two drinks a night but that's about my limit. Sometimes I slip up and have a drink during the week but it isn't often.
The mix of drinking and parenting is similar to parenting itself. My children are different from your children and I need to find out, often the hard way, what works for them. Some mothers have a glass or two of booze a night and it helps them. That's great! I'm happy for all the good mamas out there getting time to relax because we deserve it! Some mothers don't partake. That's great too! To each their own but think about what's best for you and best for your child.
Yes, I could use a drink right now but instead I'm going to bed. The boys and I went for a 5-mile walk today and I feel pretty good. Do I feel great? No! I'm a stay-at-home mom of twin babies who are on the move. However, I feel OK and that works for me!
I'm sure in a few months or a year I will return to a glass of wine a night, when things aren't as stressful. Key word is as because it will always be stressful. However, right now the boys need my full and undivided attention and often need me during the night once or twice. It's hard to believe, and especially hard to remember, they are changing every day. They will one day, sooner than later, play together and not need me to constantly feed, burp, soothe and keep them from danger. Mind boggling.

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