Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Seven Month Old Fraternal Twin Boys: Blame Everything On Teething

I don't know how many weeks old my sons are and months are easier than weeks so ... they are between seven and eight months. Good enough? Better be because I'm tired. I go to bed before 10 p.m. and typically wake up around 6 a.m. with the help of Melatonin and Calms Forte (google it because it rocks) yet I am tired. Tired, tired, tired.
Taking care of twins is exhausting, no matter the age. Today they woke up at 7 a.m. but I still got up at 6-6:30ish (not a morning person so don't remember the time). I was restless until they arose because I knew they would get up soon and also wondered if they were dead because sleeping from 7:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. sounded too picture perfect to me. Alas they were asleep and I'm stressed out but I've learned it doesn't matter much how I'm feeling because two babies still need food, love, attention and structure.
So, downstairs we went for food, play, nap, repeat. They went to bed around 7 p.m. tonight after violently protesting me putting clothes on them after their bath. I don't know why but they don't like having clothes put on after their bath ... maybe because they know what's coming next (falling asleep on the bottle).
I noticed lately any time one of them fusses or seems tired or unhappy I blame it on teething. When I speak to my mother, my m-i-l or husband, they blame it on teething. Baby A has a temperature ... he's teething. Baby B is restless ... he's teething. Heaven forbid they actually have something else wrong with them because I will think it's teething!
It's comforting to believe it's teething because otherwise you'll go crazy trying to figure out what's wrong. The boys eat formula with pureed fruits, vegetables and oatmeal three times a day. They roll over and Baby B is trying to crawl. Instead of crawling he gets on all fours and hurls himself forward. Baby A is more Lieutenant Dan from "Goodwill Hunting" because he crawls forward as if his legs don't work.
Onward and upward!

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