Friday, August 1, 2014

Nine Month Old Fraternal Twin Boys: Embrace The Chaos

Life is funny when you are a stay-at-home mom of nine month old twins.
I was sitting here last night after the boys went to sleep (7 p.m. bedtime) thinking to myself wow, I haven't written a blog post in a really, really long time. In actuality, as I found out today, it's only been a month. Why on Earth did it feel like months upon months? It's because that's what this lifestyle will do to you.
Wake up around 6-6:30ish. My husband holds their wiggly bodies as I try to make bottles as quickly as possible. They eat then sit in their activity chairs while I make breakfast and my husband's lunch. He sets up The Octagon (North States Superyard gated play-thingy-ma-bob) before leaving for work. The boys and I play for a little (I'm referee) before Second Breakfast (baby food, oatmeal, yogurt). Then it's nap time for us three Bozos (yes, I nap too). Hopefully I can get about an hour, usually less, sometimes more. On those unfortunate days where one naps much longer than the other, our schedule is funky. Then it's repeat for bottles, activity chairs, Octagon, lunch, then nap time.
I try to keep to the schedule. Sometimes keeping them up a little longer, sometimes not. After their second nap it's bottles and play time then, if the weather is good, we go for a long walk (4-5 miles). Otherwise the elusive third nap is hard to come by because they love sleeping in their stroller, not so much their crib this late in the day.
Then it's dinner, bath time, bottle and bedtime for Bonzos at 7 p.m. In the back of my mind I hope they stay asleep.
Schedule, schedule, schedule - only mothers of multiples understand this I've come to find out.
The boys are in transition from baby food to solid food. We (as in me) started baby food at six months and slowly increased their intake every month (can you tell I'm a little meticulous? Wasn't before I had twins!). Now we were told (by the pediatrician) to buy the same foods they've been eating (sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, carrots, bananas, pears ... ) and cook them and/or mash them up so they are easier to eat.
Every few months I feel uneasy, as I do now. Just when I think I'm getting the hang of something, when I have a system down, when I'm feeling empowered, then change comes. It may be small, it may be large (like giving birth to twins!) but it comes and I must face it head on. They started sitting up, then crawling, then pulling themselves up, now they are hurling themselves forward trying to walk and using me as a jungle gym. Apparently every item in my home is something to chew on for them! "Hmm ... what is this thing? Can I chew on it? Oooo I can chew on it! Yum!" I am also under the sneaking suspicion they are constantly teething (Baby A has six teeth and Baby B is working on his seventh!).
However, it's all part of the process. Embrace the chaos. Embrace the chaos. Scream into a pillow during nap time. Embrace the chaos.

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