Wednesday, February 5, 2014

3 Month Old Twin Boys: The Party Continues, Go The (Expletive) To Sleep

Shh my twin boys are sleeping. I swear if you wake them I will make your life a living hell.
So, to the blogs and articles that made me and my husband believe the three-month mark would be some light-switch going off, miracle of miracles ... screw you. Yeah, things are better but still cra-zy!
Shh ... my colic-y twin is crying. He's only napped for 22 minutes so let's hold our breath and sit frozen as if he has some super-human sense to know where I am at all times. Of course he has this sense, my sleep deprived mind knows this to be true. Let's watch while he is pre-scream, holding his breath as if sucking in all the air in the room to create the loudest shriek known to man. A dog whistle worthy scream.
So, this Saturday my sons will be 4 months (any other twin mom doing the countdown to 12 months -- as if it will be as magical as the three-month mark wasn't?). I have been doing a mish-mash of sleep training techniques because from reading articles online I concluded every child is different.
My oldest son (by 1 minute) has the ability to put himself to sleep -- you put him down in his pack 'n' play or crib and he goes to sleep, sometimes with the aid of a pacifier.
My other son is a ticking time bomb. One second he's almost dancing on the floor, kicking his legs and smiling, and the next minute he's screaming at the top of his lungs (obviously he's my colic-y baby mentioned above).
My method: when either child shows signs of sleep (yawning, rubbing eyes), I attempt to put them in either their crib or pack 'n' play. With my problem child I attempt the wimpy cry-it-out method. Let him cry for three minutes before going in to soothe, then raising it to five minutes, then seven and so on if needed. If his cries mimic a whine, he's usually asleep in five minutes or less. If his cries mimic screaming, he needs his mama. Bottom line: don't pick him up, stay strong.
I try to get them to sleep as much during the day because sleep begets sleep. Also, during the day I feed them every three hours whether they cry for it or not to fill them up -- the idea being they won't want to eat at night. Lately they have been sleeping from about 6:30 or 7:30 p.m. until about 5 a.m. The wake-up time is flexible. Sometimes one will want a feeding around 1:30 to 3:30 a.m., sometimes not. Also, for the parents upset because my babies are sleeping better, they are wearing 9-month clothing. Yes, 9-month. Born three weeks early but monsters!
It's a love-hate relationship. Hate is too strong of a word but I'm too tired to come up with anything better. I love them so much but dream of time alone but when I'm alone I want to be with them. Yikes!

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