Monday, October 28, 2013

Twin Boys Almost Three Weeks Old: I Survived Thus Far -- Eat, Poop, Cry, Repeat

My twin boys, born Oct. 8 at 37 weeks, are almost three weeks old. Similar to when they were almost two weeks old, I am torn between "I can't believe they are almost three weeks" and "Oh my god, they're only almost three weeks! How will I survive?!"
I often wonder this -- how will I survive? This thought occurs mostly when I am alone during the day, trying to wrangle them. They cry, I often cry (sob) in response. It's overwhelming, especially when they cry in sync and it sounds like an echo. Thankfully I did what you're supposed to do and told my husband and he, in turn, enlisted the help of his father, who is retired, to help me during the week when I'm normally alone. You see, I don't need an expert. I need someone to hold and feed one of the boys while I do the same with the other. If they are fussy afterwards, I need someone to help while I attempt to get other things done like non-stop laundry and dishes or to take a nap or escape and go for a walk or sneak into the corner to eat copious amounts of dark chocolate and cry.
I've spent days alone with the boys and those days are hard. After feeding them at the same time, while stopping for burping (and hearing each one cry when you attend to the other), then changing their diapers and hoping to God they lay down for a nap or at least quietly look around the room, I hardly have time to do anything because they are more and more alert during the day and often spend this time crying. Which, in turn, starts the game of Why Is My Baby Crying? It's not a fun game.
Newborns aren't my favorite. I get overwhelmed and sometimes wonder why I thought having babies was a good idea but then they decide to fall asleep and look like angels or crack a smirk as they gaze into my eyes and I remember how much I love them. I must remember: It Gets Better. It's just hard to decipher the reason behind the cries. Dirty diaper, gas, hunger, too full, tired, bored, overwhelmed, secretly scheming to make mommy lose her mind ... who knows. I'm sure I'll figure it out just when they've mastered talking and can tell me what's wrong.

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