Thursday, September 26, 2013

35 Weeks Pregnant With Twins: Tick Tock Tick Tock, Waiting For Preeclampsia Results

I am 35-and-a-half weeks pregnant with twin boys and have heartburn from eating candy corn pumpkins. For some reason I like the pumpkins much better than candy corn-shaped pieces -- a candy corn snob.
Anyway, Tuesday, at my regular doctor's appointment, my blood pressure tested a little high so I've been on a whirlwind of worry and tests -- 24-hour urine test and a liver blood test (they took two tubes of my blood!). Apparently I needed to turn in my urine before getting pricked, according to the phlebotomist, which irritated my doctor who wanted my blood taken before the urine test so we could go over the results today at my appointment. My doctor told me next time, if they tell me something different from what she orders, then I should tell them to call her office -- so I'll be the bad guy?
So ... I went to my local lab today to drop off my jugs of pee and get pricked. Over the past 24 hours I filled the orange jug they offered and had to use a clean, empty gallon container originally used for water. My goodness it feels great to simply pee in the toilet, wipe and flush instead of peeing in a cup (I eventually threw away) so I could pour hot, stinky urine in a jug. Also, opening the fridge to make dinner and seeing two jugs of urine is not appealing.
Today I felt somewhat embarrassed so I double bagged the urine and shamefully shuffled into the building. Of course I had to wait 30 minutes for an appointment so there I sat with 2 gallons of urine watching morning talk shows featuring peppy, skinny, happy, pretty people ... ick. There was an interview with Robin Williams about his new TV show and his enthusiasm reminded me of my almost 4-year-old nephew on a sugar high. Wowza! A look into my future with twin boys coming. When I was called back to check-in, hand over my pee, and give blood, the phlebotomist glanced at my urine, looked horrified and proclaimed, "Oh my! I'm going to need a big container for all of that!"
Thanks lady. Sorry I peed too much for you. I'm only super pregnant with twins and need to drink a ton and, therefore, pee a ton.
Oh ... did I mention I'm hormonal and don't have time for nonsense?!
After pee humiliation and getting pricked, I went to my doctor's and the top number of my blood pressure went from 140 to 124, which is great! However, the lower number was 90, which is borderline bad. Boo hoo. So, my doctor wants me to take it easy and call tomorrow for my test results. If they are bad then I'm going to be a twin mama very, very soon because with twins they don't mess around. If the results are not bad, then we shall carry on. So we shall see!
My husband's response: he's excited about having the babies sooner than later. It's nice he's in a good place mentally but, honestly, I'm the one who has to go through the craziness of major surgery, enormous maxi pads, pain, learning to breastfeed, etc. So, with that in mind, it makes sense he's OK and I'm ... well ... I'm a mixed bag!
However, as he also mentioned, we're as ready as we're gonna be! Also, my stomach is 52 inches so ... yeah ... I'm ready for it not to be that big!

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