I'm laying in bed with mismatched wrist braces on to help combat nighttime carpal tunnel. I have on a pair of gaucho pants - which my husband refers to as my MC Hammer pants - and a tank top chosen because it fits. I have restless legs creeping up and feel like a beached whale. All in all, not a good look.
When I go out in public I mostly try, as in a decent outfit selected from items that still fit and a coating of makeup (although my skin has been looking pretty good lately - except for the dark circles under my eyes). However, I'm on the verge of not caring. I wore jean shorts to work today. Yeah. Jean shorts. Well, that's more because I was moody.
I went for my three hour glucose test this morning since I failed the one hour test (by 2 points). I made an appointment online, fasted and woke up early to get there on time. When I arrived I was told I needed to make the appointment via phone, not online. Well that would have been helpful to know yesterday! I was pleasant to the woman and made my appointment for the next day but my thoughts were not so nice, especially since I didn't sleep well the night before. So I drove home, ate breakfast and drove to work so I could attend a lovely three hour teleconference and spend the rest of my day listening as my young replacement played horrible new music I've never heard of while singing along. #hellonearth
I had a contraction Friday night, one Saturday night and one today - they hurt pretty bad but my mother told me they are mild compared to the ones I'll have later, which was an uplifting comment. I had a woman come up to me, exclaim I was pregnant, place her hands on my stomach and proceed to ask me personal question after personal question. I get heartburn, sometimes after a meal and sometimes when I'm hungry, my feet are fat, I'm tired, my nipples hurt, my body aches, I'm moody and hormonal. I used to be a tall, confident, athletic woman and now I'm ... who knows. So, I'm a little crispy. I don't know if I'm ready for my babies to come, and I know it would be best if I made it to 38 weeks, but I'm beginning to understand why women in their third trimester are eager for delivery.
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