Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Almost Seven Month Old Fraternal Twin Boys: Advice From Others, Do Your Thing Mama

My sons will be seven months old Thursday. It's been a wild ride and there's way off. Pessimistic? Probably. It's OK to not be happy-go-lucky June Cleaver-ish. I tried to be Super Homemaker and ended up partially insane but with a clean home and semi-happy babies. Now I'm going for a mix of June Cleaver and Peg Bundy (Katey Sagal never ages!). I will clean, make meals and take care of my children while enjoying the Bon Bons of the world from time to time. Some days the house will be cleaner than others and that's OK.
I love my boys. I can't describe the feeling when they see my face and smile, to watch them grow and learn new things (Baby B is attempting to crawl, aka hurl his body forward while on all fours), to listen to them babble as if I understood their sounds ... it's amazing and draining.
My last post brought criticism. It was suggested I eat well and sleep more because my health is more important than checking e-mails and writing updates. Whoa lady, back your truck up because I don't agree.
I eat healthy - I weigh my food and only eat lean protein, fruits, vegetables, nuts and grain. I have a couple cheat meals on the weekend. I get in bed around 8:30-9 p.m. every night after taking a Melatonin and my babies typically sleep until 6 a.m. I only have a couple drinks on the weekend. I drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day. I'm tired most of the time because twin childcare is exhausting.
However, all you mamas out there, listen up! It's important to sneak in time for yourself throughout the day. Do things you enjoy! I check my e-mail a few times, possibly Facebook, watch trashy TV (I watch "Days Of Our Lives"), and play Scramble With Friends. I write blog entries to help twin moms because I felt very alone while pregnant and during the first few months but also to vent my frustrations.
I know to many people I am and will be for many years to come Baby A and Baby B's mom but to my friends and family I am me. I handle stress the same way and enjoy the same things as before I have my boys. Am I supposed to ignore that and eat, sleep, breath twins? How is that healthy? It's important to have something to enjoy when the babies are napping or sleeping or are content. It keeps you sane.
I'm never going to be June Cleaver. My hobbies won't be needlepoint, cake decorating and arranging tea roses and I won't wear elegant outfits with perfect hair and makeup while serving my family extravagant dinners in a spotless dining room. I don't want to be her. I will make meals for my family and take care of the home but I won't let it consume my life. Happy mommy, happy babies!

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