Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Ungenetic Twins Factor: Fertility, Multiples, Nosy People

Items to check off pregnancy to-do list:
Tell parents.
Tell siblings.
Tell boss.
Check, check, check but ... I'm only seven-weeks preggers and already ventured into Rude Question Land. I thought I had another month or two at least.
When you're pregnant with twins, it's fun to share the news in two parts. 1) I'm pregnant. (Response) 2) It's twins. (Bigger response). With siblings and parents, it was fun to see their different responses - i.e. a joyful, soothing aww response to screaming with excitement.
As for my boss, I reached this-question-isn't-awkward-but-could-easily-become-awkward-if-I-don't-answer-correctly.
Question: Do twins run in your family?
Hmm. You are fishing to know if I went to a fertility specialist - or not. Maybe I'm sensitive - or I could blame it on the hormones making me want to barf (trash can is less than three feet to my left - Barf: 0, Nausea: 10,000).
So, let's consider this question to be interest since twins are a rarity (although, they are becoming more prevalent because of fertility treatments). When I said no and blamed it on an eccentric grandmother with muddled family history rich in folklore (which is true), my boss continued with, "Did you have fertility treatments?"
Point blank shot in the face. OK, so that's rude. Do I have a rude boss or is this acceptable? I can't blame it on social media (it's easier to be rude online when masked in anonymity) because this was face-to-face. My sister informed me to simply answer, Why do you want to know? This was also a suggestion in "What To Expect ... " This seemed fine but then I figured if I answered that way, my answer would also show that I did have fertility treatment and it's none of your business because of my hostile tone. So, instead I said no and left it at that because it's not her business.
Problem solved, right? Wrong for worriers like me. I've only told a select amount of people about my condition (funny when people refer to it as your condition). So, when I open the floodgates this weekend and beyond (after another hopefully positive ultrasound Friday), are the odds in my favor for increased rudeness? Outside of my family, I personally told five people and one of those people asked a rude question. That's pretty decent odds. Wanna place a bet?
It's funny (not funny haha but funny like you have to laugh so you don't cry you hormonal pregnant woman) because I only thought rude comments would center around how big I get - i.e. Wow, you're huge. You must be due any day (thinking this will occur around the fifth month) or perhaps a slender woman telling me she only gained (insert small amount of weight) during her pregnancies. I wonder if I would have said yes, I did have fertility treatment, if this would have changed my boss's mind about my children. Are they less human because I had IUI? Are they not as special? Am I a bad person?
I can't change rude people but hopefully I can raise two children who know better.

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